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Thursday 23 February 2017

Get instant relief from piles (hemorrhoids); the secret is in this strange herb

If you are sick and tired of piles (also known as Hemorrhoids) and its terrible symptoms like severe rectal pain, itching and bleeding through the anus etc, you are about to discover a unique remedy that will give you total relief and it is unlike everything you have tried before.
Pile treatment

First, the strange looking herb you are looking at is known as Uvaria Chamae and it is one of the long forgotten "miracle herbs" that our fore fathers depended on to treat very stubborn ailments like piles, jaundice etc

Unlike most of the nonsense been peddled around, this powerful herb contains several medically active compounds like oleo-resin, alkaloids, tannins etc which is why it is very powerful medically.

But Does It Really Work to Get Rid of Piles?
Truth is when most people visit our website for the first time, they usually have spent a lot of money on most of the useless pile products out there without getting any result.
So, it is alright if this seems difficult for you to believe.

For instance, when one Mr Adejare walked into our Lagos office 3 months ago, it took all the courage in him to do so but he visited because he was faced with 2 options:
OPTION 1: Find an alternative way to treat his 5 years hemorrhoids condition or
OPTION 2: Pay N350,000 for a surgical operation to remove the protruding part of his piles condition.

According to him, he has been struggling with the Piles condition since 5 years ago when he noticed bleeding from his anus whenever he visited the toilet.

His doctor told him then that he had hemorrhoid and that all he had to do was add more fiber to his diet and take more water which he did.

But a year later, he noticed that the hemorrhoids started to protrude out of his anus.

This time around, he went back to the hospital and he was given some suppositories to stick in his anus and some other drugs but they did not work.

So, he lost faith in trying western medicine and started trying local herbs but all the "agbo" he took didn't work the way he wanted.

His hemorrhoids condition eventually advanced to stage 3 which means sooner or later, he would need surgery to remove those piles or else the complications could be worse.

So, when someone told about our Natural Piles Solution which is a combination of Uvaria Chamae, (the herb you are seeing above) and other her herbs, he was willing to take that risk and it worked for him.

In his words - "The terrible pains I used to feel in my anus have disappeared and the protruding part of the hemorrhoids have shrunk. Not only that, I noticed that ever since I started taking this piles solution, my performance in the bedroom have improved significantly"

Wouldn't you like to have that type of testimony too?
Most people with piles wait until it advances to a very painful stage where it requires them to spend a lot of money. Don't be that person.

Here is What You Can Do To Get Complete Relief From Piles Now
While it is true that the herb mentioned on this page works to help you eliminate the root cause of your piles condition, the truth is that you need to combine it with other herbs like Aloe Vera etc to get complete relief.

For your convenience, we have provided the NAFDAC approved products that contain these herbs so that you can start using them immediately.

P.S - According to an article published on the Nation and written by Dr Gilbert Ezengige, a licensed practitioner of Natural medicine - he attested to the fact that...this herb when combined with other herbs like Aloe Vera and administered professionally truly does bring lasting relief from piles.


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